Library Commission
Raymond Library
840 Main Street
JANUARY 25, 2010
Present: Debra Arrieta, Charlie Casella, Gloria Visgilio-Lupi, Pat Jones, Librarian and Tom Rup
Guest: Florence Schroeter
Excused Absenses: Lisa McMahon, Vicky Brinius, Tony Foran, Rose Tavtigian
A) CALL TO ORDERn - The meeting ws called to roder at 7:05p.m.
B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of the October 19, 2009 meeting wre approved as submitted
C) LIBRARY EXPANSION - Pat jones will meet with the architects and the Raymond Library Company on January 26th. We are looking
to obtain 15 additional parking spaces to satisfy zoning requirements. Local fund raising possibilities will also be discussed.
We ran through the gamut of possible funding sources - from federal money to town-wide to the state bonding commission. Tom
Rup offered to speak with Sen. LeBeau about state bonding money.
D) LIBRARIAN'S REPORT - An after school "drop-in" program for tweens (ages 14-17) just kicked off.
E) ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m.